Saturday, September 26, 2015

CUE Rockstar Admin - Gearing up for Day 3!

I'm fired up for the final day of CUE Rockstar Admin.  As always, CUE has provided timely, meaningful, and relevant professional development and networking.  The first two days were full of excitement, engagement, and energy.  All of our sessions went OVER 90 minutes because the engagement and learning was so high!  This inaugural class is rocking it!

Today we will create our Hero's Journey.  What was my call to adventure?  I will share when I am completed.

The next step is going back to work and putting these ideas, methodologies, and proven practices into action.  A very interesting, and somewhat discouraging thing I read yesterday was a summary of a BrightBytes survey from another district.  The narrative read, "District wide, 60% of teachers say that they spend no time in Non­-School Informal Professional Development."  How do we change this?  How do we provide resources, such as blogging and providing articles to read and engage educators, to explore and expand their horizons.  Please don't get me wrong, I realize time is valuable and the majority of teachers are working very hard around the clock..... but how do we provide them the outlets to make things more seamless and easier?  We have to remember that the only constant is change.

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