Did I see results? Well, sort of; I was already in the habit of eating better, controlling my portions, eliminating sodas and sweets, and getting to the gym regularly. The days that I didn't go to the gym, I walked to work and ensured that I walked the dogs every night. Shortly after I got my iPhone 6, I abandoned my Fitbit Flex and relied on Apple's health app. I liked the features but missed the ability to see what my friends were doing. Then a friend loaned my his Fitbit Force - very cool because it had a watch and I could see my steps without accessing the app on my phone. What I decided I didn't like with the Fitbit products was the need to charge another device - I already have to charge my phone regularly, my MacBook, and my iPad. Arghhhh! (I also read articles that wearable technology (in terms of the fitness part) is inaccurate and can cause poor habits.... hmmm if ANYTHING can get people to exercise more regularly, it's got to be worth something!)

So, I sold my Apple Watch. I decided that I need to not be so connected all the time. I know that if I go to the gym regularly, eat healthy portions, and drink water and other drinks that are free of high-fructose corn syrup (and other products) I should be fine. This morning I went to the gym - no Apple Watch, no Fitbit, and no iPhone - I left it in my locker. 35 minutes of cardio and mild weights. Protein shake for breakfast. Feeling good - and it felt good not to be connected to anything for the hour I was there. I was clear minded and remained focused. I know wearable technology is here to stay, but not sure it's for me.
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